"MANAGE YOUR CONTACTS" TEXT FILES DISTRIBUTED WITH THIS ARCHIVE: 1) README.TXT - Brief installation notes and information for users who want a quick overview of the archive. 2) HISTORY.TXT - Outline of what has been added to the new versions in reverse chronological order. 3) VENDOR.DOC - Text file outlining distribution policy and permissions for shareware vendors. 4) UPGRADE.TXT - Important instructions for those of you who are upgrading from a previous version of "Manage Your Contacts" (this file). >> UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS NOTE TO REGISTERED USERS: Although you are eligible for a 50% discount on the registration price (which comes out to only $14.98, this upgrade is NOT free and you will be using an unregistered version of "Manage Your Contacts" until you pay for the new version. Thank you for all your support and input--which I have obviously taken to heart. I'm sure you will find the "look-and-feel" of this upgrade to be as friendly (perhaps even friendlier) than previous versions. >> PLEASE SEE "HISTORY.TXT" FOR A LIST OF NEW FEATURES. >> IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION OF "MANAGE YOUR CONTACTS" (FORMLY KNOWN AS "THE CONTACT MANAGER"), FOLLOW THESE STEPS BEFORE INSTALLING THE NEW VERSION 1. Make a backup of your current, working copy and data. If you have enough room on your hard disk, it should be sufficient to just copy it to another subdirectory. 2. Run your current, working copy of the program and export your data to an external file: To export using a version PRIOR to 2.1 (excluding v 2.1): a. Choose "I/O" from the pull-down menu. b. Select "Full List in Column Format". c. Choose "File" for your destination. d. Select "Text Format" for your output file type. e. Type "UPGRADE.MYC" as the file name to save it as. f. Choose "OK" to begin. g. Select "CANCEL" to quit the export function. To export using a version AFTER 2.1 (including v 2.1): a. Choose "I/O" from the pull-down menu. b. Select "Export Column-Formatted File..." c. Type "UPGRADE.MYC" as the file name to save it as. d. Choose "OK" to begin. 3. Exit the program. (ALT-Backspace) 4. If your previous version was PRIOR to version 2.1 (excluding version 2.1), delete any blank lines at the top of the file you just exported with any ASCII text editor. DOS's edit or Window's Notepad should work. Delete the lines down to the Business Name field, which is normally the first field with text. If you do not have a business name for that entry, leave one line blank line at the top so that there is a blank line then the First Name field. If there is no first name, leave two blank lines so that there is two blank lines and then the Middle Initial. If there is no middle initial leave three blank lines at the top so... 5. Install the new version of this program. (See "README.TXT" for instructions if needed.) 6. Start the new version. 7. Import the file "UPGRADE.MYC" you exported above. a. Copy the file to the subdirctory where you installed the new version. a. Choose "I/O" from the pull-down menu. b. Select "Import/Upgrade from previous version". 8. Follow the instructions on the screen to make sure everything imported ok. 9. Once you have reviewed the entries and are sure they are correct, you may delete the backup copy of your old data. 10. This would be a good point to make a backup copy of your new program, particularly the data. To make a backup of the data only: a. Select "File" from the program's pull-down menu. b. Select "Backup and Compress Database...". ###